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Tax Information Exchange Agreements
Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEA) can be described as agreements between two countries, made in order to regulate tax information sharing. To get any information, a country has to make… Read more

Asset Protection
What is Asset Protection? Asset protection (also called “debtor-creditor law”) can be defined as a concept of preserving and protecting an individual’s assets from illogical or frivolous, often very harmful… Read more

Tax Treaties
The purpose of tax treaties between countries is to mitigate the double taxation effects. These treaties cover VAT (value added taxes), inheritance taxes, income taxes, etc. Tax treaties can be… Read more

Expat Tax Guide
Beyond enjoying the benefits that come from learning from and living in another country, there are a number of tax benefits that come with being an expat that is originally… Read more

Impacts of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, also called the FCPA, is a Unites States federal law that addresses two main issues: implementing the transparency requirements as stated in the… Read more

Territorial Tax Systems
A common question that arises amongst expats, is how territorial tax systems might impact the income taxed on an individual or company. Normally, most governments will try to limit the… Read more

Tax Havens
In May of 2009, the OECD removed the last three nations from their list of uncooperative tax havens. The last nations to be removed fro the list were Andorra, Liechtenstein,… Read more

Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties
A mutual legal assistance treaty can be defined as an agreement concluded between two countries, in order to exchange and gather information, which will help these countries enforce criminal or… Read more